Appliances & Consumer Products

Defective Appliances and Consumer Products
Most of us assume that the products we buy have been thoroughly tested and are safe for use. Unfortunately, when a product is not safe, consumers often are unaware of the danger until an injury has occurred. Some product recalls make the news, but most defective products go largely unnoticed by the public.
If you or a family member has been injured by a dangerous product, you can seek compensation. At Knie & Shealy Law Offices, I represent South Carolina injury victims and their families in product liability suits. Whether you have an individual case or your case is part of a class-action suit, I can help. For a free consultation to discuss defective appliances and consumer products, please contact me online.
Protecting Injured People From Negligent Manufacturers
Consumer products can be anything you purchase for your home or personal use such as:
- Appliances
- Grills
- Computers
- Electrical equipment
- Hair dryers and curling irons
- Toys
- Children’s clothes
When such products are defective, they can cause fires, electrical accidents, choking, suffocation, explosions or toxic exposure. These types of accidents can result in burns, electric shock, lacerations, brain injuries, broken or crushed bones, amputations, eye injuries, and loss of sight or hearing. In some cases, the injuries lead to wrongful death.
As your attorney, I will seek compensation for your past, current and future losses, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. When appropriate to the case, I work with experts in fields such as engineering, product design and manufacturing. I may also work with medical experts, life-care planners and economists to calculate your total damages.
Contact a Spartanburg & Greenville Product Liability Lawyer
To schedule a free consultation, please contact me online.