Side Impact Accidents

Car Crash Attorney Serving the Spartanburg and Greenville Areas

Car accidents pose one of the most serious threats to our health and safety. Although any type of accident can lead to devastating injuries, some types of collisions are more common than others. For example, side impact collisions are a frequent occurrence at intersections. These accidents occur when the front of another vehicle strikes the side of the vehicle in which you are riding. Dedicated Greenville and Spartanburg car accident lawyer Patrick E. Knie has represented victims in seeking compensation from drivers who fail to yield or otherwise act carelessly in causing a side impact collision.

Holding a Negligent Driver Liable for a Side Impact Accident

A victim of a side impact crash or another type of motor vehicle accident may be able to receive compensation if he or she can show that the defendant failed to exercise due care at the time that the crash took place. Some of the common causes of side impact accidents include distracted driving, such as talking on a cell phone or texting, and driving while under the influence. Both of these activities reduce a motorist’s ability to observe traffic signals and other cars when entering areas where there will be cross-traffic. South Carolina law has enacted statutes that prohibit drivers from texting while driving and from driving while under the influence. A prudent driver also would be expected to use caution around intersections and yield to other vehicles when required.

Since accidents may happen suddenly, it can be difficult to recall exactly how the series of events unfolded. Accident reconstructionists are experts who can inspect a crash scene and the vehicles involved before building a model showing the likely sequence of events that took place before, during, and after the collision. Their assistance may be useful in proving who was responsible for causing the crash and identifying the careless behavior by the at-fault party. In some cases, more than one driver may have shared the responsibility for the crash. Even if the plaintiff was partly at fault, however, he or she still may be able to receive a reduced amount of compensation.

Significant injuries often result from side impact collisions, such as arm and leg injuries, deep tissue bruising, lacerations, and head trauma. In addition to medical care in the immediate aftermath of the crash, future treatment and surgical procedures as well as medications may be required for victims to cope with potentially long-lasting or even permanent injuries. They may be able to seek compensation from the defendant for past and future medical expenses, missed paychecks, diminished earning capacity, and pain and suffering.

Protect Your Rights by Enlisting a Car Accident Lawyer in Greenville or Spartanburg

If you have been injured in a side impact crash, compassionate Spartanburg and Greenville car accident attorney Patrick E. Knie is ready to assist you with fighting for the compensation that your family and you need. Gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies can be daunting. We can assist you with all phases of the litigation, including pre-trial investigation and settlement negotiations. Proudly serving people in Laurens, Greenville, Union, Cherokee, and Spartanburg Counties, we offer a free consultation to discuss your situation. Call us at (864) 582-5118 or contact us online to set up your appointment with a motor vehicle collision attorney.

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