Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer
When you entrust the care of your loved one to a nursing home, it is because your loved one cannot help himself or herself. The nursing home or other long-term care facility has a high level of responsibility to ensure the appropriate level of care and safety of its residents.
As a South Carolina nursing home abuse and neglect attorney, and founder of the Knie & Shealy Law Offices, I will work to ensure that your loved one’s rights are protected and that his or her suffering is vindicated.
Working to Hold Negligent Nursing Homes Accountable
Nursing homes are routinely subject to state inspection by government agencies to see that the nursing homes are in compliance with a variety of strict state and federal regulations. Unfortunately, violations are not uncommon. In cases of nursing home abuse and neglect, it can usually be shown that whatever happened to your loved one has happened many times before to other residents, often because the nursing home has failed to update its protocol to properly protect patients.
Nursing home neglect takes many forms. For example, understaffed or inadequate training can lead to the staff ignoring a resident. When he or she tries to get out of bed to do something for himself or herself, the resident’s resulting injury is a direct cause of the nursing home’s neglect. Similarly, failure to provide simple, but frequently needed, medical care such as changing the position of a bedridden or wheelchair-bound resident, can lead to painful and dangerous bedsores.
In some tragic cases, overwhelmed and poorly trained nursing home staff may become violent with nursing home residents. When your loved one has suffered at the hands of those entrusted with his or her care, I will investigate all of the circumstances surrounding your loved one’s injuries and then forcefully advocate to protect your loved one’s rights to a safe living environment and proper health care.
Call a Spartanburg & Greenville Nursing Home Inspection and Compliance Attorney
I will work to hold nursing homes accountable when they have failed an inspection or have not followed compliance procedures. Contact me, a South Carolina elder abuse lawyer, online. Consultations are free and confidential.